
There's a beautiful town where people lives. It has stores, schools, hospitals, parks, and a huge church complex. It has a Christian theme, but this church has a different approach with their religious movement. However; their movement has been questioned by many activists who condemned this church for these practices and customs what they dictate. Well, Christianity has been criticized for their customs. And this is common in the real world. There are an array of activists who were calling on these pastors to remove this practice, or face a powerful boycott. If this church has been boycotted, they can lose revenue.

There was a little black boy, Leon who is riding his yellow dog. His yellow dog is his therapy dog because, he has serious fear of mice, and he refused to go near one at animal shelters, zoos, and private owners. Leon wears a striped yellow and red shirt with black jeans, and his green shoes. He's an African-American boy who is recently adopted by a woman who runs a large church for this town. However, Leon missed riding his favorite black cat because, his biological mother has to drop her off,--before she goes to work. She works at an animal shelter,--caring for rodents, rabbits, cats, and even donkeys. Although; his mother must feed Leon a strict vegetarian diet because, he can't eat certain meats because, his nursed has advised him to eat vegetables to regain all of his vitamin K. He was bitten by 4 mice since he was extremely little. Unfortunately, his mother doesn't work for a pest control service because, she owns an array of animals in the past like mice, rabbits, cats, and guinea pigs. She is also a strict anti-spanking advocate, and she belongs to a cult who once rescued children from a dangerous home where cruel parents reside.

When his mother has purchased over $200,000 in municipal bonds, and other bonds, receiving dividends when holding these bonds for a long haul, Leon has to rely on his mother's dividends to care for his dog. Well, his yellow dog has been giving Leon rides for her lifetime. His mother has kept saving her money because, she wanted to raise her child for a long haul. His mother is European, but his father is African-American. Both of his parents has raised 4 kids, but adopted over 20 kids,--giving them a new lease of care.

Leon lives in a small house with his yellow dog, and his parents who wanted kids to be raised humanely. They wanted to reform our society, and make a world a better place for other children, including Leon. Although, Leon has a bucket list, his bucket list has lots of things what he want to do.

Leon's Bucket List

Own a dog and ride her.

Be a Christian and learn about Jesus.

Be an exterminator who exterminates mice.

Ride a pony or donkey.

Ride an elephant

Ride a cow.

Ride a cat.

His home is inside this beautiful town. And this town has been rebuilding after disasters, and they've been relying on citizens to help speed up their recovery. Well, this town has a newly constructed system to keep water from entering this town where native villagers .

This beautiful town has a newly built shopping mall that is designed to keep the town busy. And there's a newly functional governing system that is designed to help with our planet's efforts to combat climate change. There's no oil fields, there's no coal-burning plants, there's no coal mines, there's no natural gas pipelines, there's no gas-driven vehicles, and there's no cattle farms. They imposed dairy taxes, meat taxes, carbon taxes, gas taxes, oil taxes, copyright taxes, trademark taxes, trade-secret taxes, patent taxes, egg taxes, hunting taxes, and even parenting taxes. These taxes are so powerful, that caused this city to gain enough revenue to speed up repairs, and reduce poverty.

The rise of these anti-vaccination movements has caused this town to be in serious panic. And these citizens has been trying to warn the church about this issue. A mosque in question has been robbed by 2 Christians who were trying to claim this mosque. But no imam has taken over it just yet.

What's wrong with this church? Is it a nightmare when you attend it? If you believe this church is corrupted, and making a donation has been misused, think again! This church has been hiding lots of fraudulent activities, abusive practices, harboring animal abusers, child abusers, and gun owners who were wanted for serious criminal acts. One pastor who is about to reformat this church complex is going to be a replacement for a family who condoned an anti-vaccination movement. This church was so infected, you can see many of these visitors leaving this place extremely ill!

Forty-six attendees has been shipped away via an ambulance bus to a largest hospital in this town.

However; 24 people has been hospitalized, but 23 other attendees has been treated for their illnesses. That caused their medical bills to soar up to $20,000. That requires these attendees to sue this large church who is responsible for this outbreak.

The church has been closed down for 30 days during investigation.

There are 4 professional law enforcement officers wearing protective gear in this church.

The pews may look like they're clean, but they're infected with serious viruses.

It didn't come from a rodent, but an infected ferret! A previous pastor who was bitten by a ferret has died of a serious infection,--caused by a ferret bite. Ferret fever has been spreading in this church for many days. However; a previous pastor who once condemned child cruelty has been blocking ferrets from entering this church.

Unfortunately, Leon's mother has left this church behind because, she don't want to be infected by a ferret.

Suddenly, Leon was accidentally left behind in this church, but he was already immuned to a ferret virus! A female pastor has discovered Leon on a pew with a statue of Jesus next to him.

Leon rides his yellow dog with a pastor to his new home. He wished his mother must come back,--so he can go to a school where he can be a Christian or a Catholic.

Unfortunately, a male pastor who is in a hospital with other patients has died because, he refused to be cured with modern medical practices.

Donations has been reversed, almost all of the government agents has placed a church on a serious hold.

A newly mandatory law that requires all children to be vaccinated to prevent spread of illnesses, diseases, parasites, and even viruses in the United States of america. This law has been passed to mandate fines,--if any parent has failed to have their children vaccinated. Newly efforts to reduce sickness is by implementing new efforts to keep their health system safe in the USA. There was a newly developed antidote for animal bites like dog bites, rodent bites, and insect bites. But the foolish anti-vaccination movement by a family who refused vaccination because of their religion has been trying to rely on religious spirits to heal the sick community, a corrupt church has been linked to this cult developed by a strict Christian family who refused to vaccinate children.

Music Credit:

"Sugarplum Breakdown" by Kevin McLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0.