Save Our

About this category:

Everyday, we combat pollution, and combat use of fossil fuels that can harm our planet. There are many efforts to help save our planet. Recycling is the known way to help reduce costs of our resources, and it's important to reduce usage of our resources because, we rely on them everyday.

Big polluting corporations has been trying to block off activists who were trying to save our seas, our forests, our ice caps, our streams, our creeks, our mountains, our fresh air, our wetlands, our water sources, our cold places, etc. It's important to fight for our planet, and halt all coal usage, and oil distribution, and reduce gas usage.

Why is it important to save our world?

This is important to clean up mess what we make each day.

See Also

Games to play:

There's no games to play in this category. Please come back later.

Actions to take when saving our planet:

Here are the following actions what you should take in order to save our planet:

Buy recycle bins for your home or apartment, if your apartment complex don't offer recycling for your items to be recycled, ask your manager to implement it for all neighbors who live in a same complex.

If you own a home, sign up for a recycling service that will help reduce all of the pollution by 75%.

For oil furnace or boiler users, use used cooking oil instead of conventional crude oil.

Buy solar panels for your own home, and implement ways to keep power usage low on your next energy bill.

Products What We Recommend

Here are the following products what we recommend within this list.