
You are taking a trip to your new condo where you can freely roam around. However; you have at least 4 staff members who are going to look after you. Well, you are almost at your destination. You've taken a train earlier, but you are heading to the giant condo. You are going to be at the 5th floor of your building. You are assigned to "5C" as your condo, but you can easily expand to additional units.

Although; this place is strong enough to support a carousel.

However; you are NOT riding a poodle at this moment, you are sitting on a back of a brown dog wearing a gold collar. She is a lighter version of a brown dog with a light color tone. She has fair skin, and a brown nose,--and blue eyes. Her tail is short, and she has brown hair.

She isn't bland as you think! She is just a regular style of a dog.

You are heading towards a door, and you are about to use a card to enter this building.

Enter Building