Status: Riding yellow poodle
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

You are now on a bridge as you ride your yellow poodle. This bridge can go over the lake, and you can see how large the lake is.

As you ride her along the bridge; you can seee how large the lake is. Well, this is a lake this is once a pit to get minerals. However; this pit has been cleaned and repurposed as a lake for fish to swim, live and thrive. Well this lake is also used a s a source for water, and you can see how they've implemented an artificial reef below water by converting old cars into an artificial reef. This lake is teaming with fish below. There's also a person patroling this lake to enforce environmental laws to help prevent pollution, and poaching. However; this lake is intentionally, being monitored as a way to keep poachers out. Although; this lake is designed for licensed fishermen who fish for some fish to eat. Also, this park has been thriving for at leat 2 years after establishment.

You can feel your yellow poodle speed up because, she is indicating why you should hang on tight, and ride her forward. There's nothing to see over the lak. What you can only see is the bridge that will take you to the other side of the lake, and you can see a shed ahead of you. However; this bridge is designed to handle people riding animals. However; you can see 1 person walking towards a shed to close the park before the sun goes down. However; the park has grace periods for people to exit the park before it closes. Rangers patrol nthis park to keep criminal activity out.

As you reach the end of the bridge, and you ride your poodle through this shed, you can see light. You can also see 2 of the following exits that may lead yob to the another place.

The exit on your left leads to the staffed building, and the another exit leads you to the dock.

Go To Staffed Building
Go To Dock