
Elevated Dock

Status: Riding yellow poodle
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

You are now at the elevated dock, and your yellow poodle's panting has softened, and she is now speeding up. However; your poodle has to use a long path to go places. Well this dock is kind of like a set of elevated paths what you can ride your poodle along. However; your yellow poodle has managed to leave the streets. Although; you are taking your tikme as you ride your poodle at the high docks.

Despite your yellow poodle giving you rides, she is trying to speak to you about a problem what you've haven't resolved. "This is not a true way to resolve this problem. That street steamer will be doing all of that hard work. Our sewer system may be experiencing this problem. A dock is not a place to resolve my issue," said the yellow poodle, "however; you can still ride me." You stopped your yellow poodle for a moment, and you said, "I thought you need to go to the high docks for me to ride you as exercise! I usually ride you at these high docks to entertain people who are about to head to their ships to go places. I wasn't sure about this deary." You repositioned yourself. "It's okay rider! Everyone make mistakes. And nobody should be mad for these mistakes. And you should NEVER EVER spank someone. If you don't have anything nice to do with your hands, keep your hands to yourself and go with the flow, and I mean NOT attempting to spank nobody." You pet your yellow poodle's head, and you said, "you are right deary, spanking someone for mistakes is such a bad practice." You continue to ride your yellow poodle forward.

Your yellow poodle is still concerned with a mess what she accidently left behind. Well, she is smart enough to keep distance of a steaming machine. "We still need to clean this mess," she said, "this machine does has a vacuum that takes up all of that gross stuff." You managed to ride your yellow poodle pass the gate that is locked, and you can see people passing by.

Go Back To Streets
Ride Yellow Poodle Without Cleaning Up
Clean Up Mess