Status: Not Riding Any Poodle, But Riding A Mermaid
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

A mermaid leaves a dock, and you are about to head to sea. However; there's no way to dismount a mermaid, but you can ride her at sea, or on a ship. Well, this mermaid ride will be indefinite. That means; there's no way for you to dismount her for a long time,--unless a mermaid enables you to do so.

You leave your yellow poodle parked, as a person removes her from a fence, and walks her back to a giant condo to relax.

You said "good-bye" to your yellow poodle, and you begin to ride a mermaid at sea by using a slide port for mermaids to be launched at sea.

Somehow; a waterproof overlay houses you as you ride a mermaid, and you are hanging on to her pearl reins of some sort. However; this mermaid dictates where she is actually going.

After a launch; you are at sea, and you are about to head to the another island where cruise ships are located. Well, it will be a long mermaid ride, and there's no way to entertain yourself. What you forgot to do is to bring your tablet with you.

A mermaid uses her dictated route to go places. And you must ride her like usual.

You can see other mermaids, and your poodle who is still at the elevated docks. Your yellow poodle is leaving, and these mermaids are sourrounding you as a new member of this society.

However; these mermaids are Christian by default.

A mermaid passes an island where people ride foxes.

A mermaid passes an island where people ride poodles.

A mermaid passes an island where people ride rabbits.

A mermaid passes an island where people ride cats.

A mermaid is reaching an island where other mermaids live.

A mermaid reaches an island where new people who ride mermaids go to.

Somehow; a mermaid transfers you to a cart being pulled by horses.
