Status: Riding yellow poodle
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

0 items

Experience: NOT Available On Demo

You disregarded her hard panting, and her tail wagging, and you managed to ride her around your entire unit. However; your poodle's panting is still intense, and she is still uncomfortable for some reason. Your white poodle stops you, trying to tell you something, maybe a message, or instructions.

Your white poodle is asking you to bring her outside just incase. You don't want her to have an accident, or something. "What's going on with her?" you asked, "I have no idea why she is acting up." A white poodle replied, "she needs to head outside, you need to ride her. I heard of walking your dog, but you prefer to ride her instead. You must take her outside, and fast, she may have an accident, or worse. You don't want to have serious accidents."

You stopped your white poodle, and you are trying to find out what your white poodle is trying to say to you.

"Please tell me why I should I ride her outside," you said, "I am still just wondering." The white poodle said, "she has taken any stops during our long road trip. You must ride her outside, before she has an accident in your condo, and it's not going to be pretty when she has an accident like this."

Enter living room
Exit unit and enter hallway
Enter dining room
Speak to her