Status: Normal
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

Great Job!

You refused to spank your poodle, and you chose to apologize. However; it's pretty tricky to understand what your poodle is saying.

Your managed to control your anger, and you decided to apologize.

You tried to speak to her but there's no response.

You managed to keep your hands to yourself, and refuse to spank your poodle.

"Sorry about that madam," you cried, "I thought you were exhausted like a pack of batteries installed inside you. Don't worry! We can get this cleaned up." A yellow poodle replied, "aren't able to understand me? Why you didn't speak to me, so I can tell you what's actually going on.? Looks like you missed this important message. This is what happens if you don't pay attention. You need to clean up after your dog master." You said, "you are right my princess! I do need to clean up, I have robots that are available to clean this up. I've dismounted you to find out what is actually going on." A yellow poodle said, "since you refused to spank, and apologized, feel free to remount me if you want, However; one of your robots has cleaned me up just incase." You thought for a moment, and you said, "these robots are already cleaming up this terrible mess." You remounted your poodle, and you begin to ride her forward.
