Status: Reset
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

You are now walking 2 of these dogs, and you are going down the street. However; 2 of these dogs are wanting to exercise, but they don't want to be at this house the whole time. However; you are being monitored by 1 pastor who is trying to keep you as Christian as possible. However; you are limited to a range what your pastor has dictated.

You looked around as you walked 2 of these dogs. What you can see are houses, churches, streets that are quiet without cars, a set of carriages, a park where they usually have a set of trees, a library building, a shopping mall, a hospital, and even a hospice building designed by Christians around the world.

There are no dogs for you to ride, and there are no places for you to find a dog to ride.

You walked, and walked for minutes.

This place is kind of bland like usual.

As you crossed 5 streets; you can see 2 of these places. You can see a dog park, and a graveyard.

Go To The Graveyard
Go To Dog Park