These are the following questions about this gamebook, Poodle Ride Quest.

What's the idea or concept of this game?

Imagine you were riding on a back of a poodle, and you are in a world where you can ride a dog. Poodles are dogs. Typically, people walk dogs with a leash via the real world. With this gamebook; you can ride a poodle, just like riding a horse, but different. You ride a poodle bareback, and you hang on to her collar.

How Do I Play?

Read, scroll, and make a choice by clicking on these links. As you click on a link; you progress to the next page, just like a gamebook. Each page what you go to works the same principle.

Try NOT to spank your poodle. If you refuse to spank a poodle at least 6 times; you will progress further. Each time you refuse to spank; your poodle gets stronger, that applies to the first level. If you spank your poodle on the 1st level; you will lose your privilege that enables you to ride a poodle in the future during gameplay, that activates a trigger that will enable you to play as a different character. However; if you spank your poodle via higher levels; game will be over, and you must either use a bookmark on your browser to go to your saved position, or restart from scratch.

If you play as Joseph; you must NOT spank your dog because, if you continue to do so during gameplay; you will lose a privilege. If you do this 3 times in a row; you lose 50% of your dogback-riding privileges. If you spanked your dog 5 times in a row; your ability to ride a dog has been restricted. If you spanked your dog 6 times in a row; you lose your entire dogback-riding privilege altogether, and there's no possibility to get them back, nor earn them back. If you spank your dog via a 7th time; game will be over.

I am playing as a character, Joseph, why he is restricted to this theme?

Due to the design of this gamebook; this character can't go to any of these non-Christian places.

As I make a donation to support your work, where does 25% of your received donations go to?

Twenty-five of our proceeds go to Autism Speaks, and People For Bikes. The rest of our proceeds will be used to maintain our equipment and our servers, and keep our internet expenses down.

I can't afford to donate money to support your work, is there a way to support it?

If you were using an ad-blocking extension, just whitelist our website, and reload your browser page like usual. Be aware; ads may be shown on your browser to provide you relevant ads that are relevant for our content. This a poor person's version of supporting our work.

If your browser is managed by a company, school, or any other organization; speak with your system administrator about whitelisting our ads and our websites.

I am playing a sample version, but why it's slightly different?

A demo version of this game is intentionally set differently to give you an example when you play a full version of this game.

Is this game reusable under a specific license?

This game is licensed under a Creative Commons License 4.0 or higher. Reuse of this material is encouraged.

Why these html files are numbered instead of being named for example: Chose2Take_crate.html?

These files are numerically named as a way to implement a true gamebook what you're currently playing. This is normal for these files to be numbered as a way to reduce naming of these files.

Why am I reading so much text as I scroll down on my mobile phone?

Reading is key as you play this game. Be aware; reading is one way to gather data as you play this game.

Why am I playing as a different character as I made a certain choice in this game?

This is a feature of this game what you're encountering. Well, that applies to only the 1st level of this game.

Why this game has both worlds?

This is a feature of this game.

Why There's a Story_Scenes folder in this game with A or Barrangements?

This is a feature of this game as a way to go from one character to the another as you play this game.

I made a choice to play as Joseph; why most of these themes associated with this character is Christian, despite Fairies Dreams & Fantasy being a non-Christian website?

If you read a character description earlier; that's how this character is set up. However; this character requires a specific gameplay to be activated.

A link to a page for an action is leading me to a page where a file does not exist, or outdated content, what's going on?

If you were recently playing this game during a real time update schedule, most likely your webpage what you are viewing is out of date. Try refreshing your browser. Then try continuing playing like usual. Typically real time updates are random, but it will not effect your gameplay.

Your game is updated of some sort, but how do I know this game is up to date?

A version number will tell you how current this game is. However; this is normal for this version to be updated overtime.


If you left your session for a long time, your content will not be updated automatically.

First, your events in this game is crude and choppy, then your game is now improved, why there's a change?

Smoothing out this story is key to slow down our story, so you can have time as you play this game.

Why does this game heavily rely on folders?

That's how this game is set up. Folders are critical for this game to run the different way.

For some parts of this game, why I am presented with dirrectional commands like a compass?

For some parts of this game; you may be presented to choose where you want to go via these large rooms.

Are there any other dog breeds in this game?

There are some that are available.

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