Initial Inventory

Laptop Computer

Mobile Phone

Tablet Computer

Desktop Computer

Other Inventory



No experience yet...

Trust Level:




"Be very careful!" you exclaimed, "my tablet appears to be running, and I must avoid dropping it because, this is kind of expensive." Amelia-Amber is a small poodle, and you thought she is a large poodle to ride, but it's only your dream. Unfortunately, there's no proprietary breed of large poodles to ride. You must use a leash to keep up with her. Well, you consumed dairy that caused you to grow taller,--caused by unnecessary growth hormones. Well that's not a natural way to grow taller. Well. You must use a leash as a harness to keep up with her. A girl, Pargaret Z. M. is currently downstairs with her dog, but you can hear her riding him. Pargaret Zarcose Marcoza is her full name, her preferred name is Parcoaz. She is riding her brown bulldog, Wizzy down the hallway. You were about to get ready for lunch, but you must feed her first. Well, Parcoaz has already fed her minutes ago. "You must take this leash because, you only ridden a poodle in your dream. Well, you can't shrink yourself because, there's no way to shrink you magically. But you can donate your long legs for dwarfs to be taller. But this is kind of difficult," said Amelia-Amber, looking at you... you are tall as 8 feet! "I must've consumed too much dairy, and I must purge dairy from my diet," you said, "this is not good!" Amelia-Amber replied, "no worries Fairy-Rider. You can consume a plant-based milk, and consume a plant-based cheese." You discovered you have issues with your diet, and you have been consuming dairy for years. And you wanted to ride a poodle later, but there's no way for you to ride one. You can't develop a breed of large poodles that fast... and you must find a larger dog to ride. You said, "not sure if you're actually a true large poodle, I think you are wearing a costume." You continued to tell your story about your dream, but your height is kind of making it difficult for you to ride any dog.

Turns out, this isn't Amelia-Amber, a poodle what you've expected to ride! She's actually Topsie, she's a small white poodle, a standard breed, but she's isn't a large poodle. However; you still need to walk this poodle with a leash, and you need to find a way to ride poodles later on.

If you take a closer look of Topsie, the white poodle, she is just a normal poodle, and she has a black nose, peach skin, brown eyes, and she wears a brass chain collar of some sort. Her tail has a ball tip, but it isn't as rounded and poofy as Amelia-Amber.

"I thought you was Amelia-Amber," you said, holding topsie's leash. Topsie replied, "it's okay, everybody make mistakes. Amelia-Amber is currently downstairs with the another dog, I was just substitutingfor a person who relies on a 'seeing-eye' dog who needs to take over her duty after her death. This person doesn't mourn the loss of his dog, he continues to move on. Amelia-Amber has discovered your family members who are NOT finding jobs what you expected to do so. At age 16; it's mandatory to have teenagers at this age take vocational classes for getting ready for employment." You slowly walk out of your room.

As you come out; you can see the door that leads to a kitchen, and there's a set of stairs to head outside.

The hallway is just typical within poor communities of this town.

Enter Kitchen
Go Outside

Interesting Fact

One train, depending on length can erase 1000 or more cars off the road.