You are facing a door; and there's a nurse blocking your way. You can see a broken dogsled, and you can see the other house that is across the street. Although; she is holding a golden magic wand, and she is going forward. Your poodle barks,--indicating your attempt to exit this house. However; you are still riding on her back, and you can't dismount her because, the porch flooring is messy. It has parts of a dogsled littering your porch, and it's windy.
Your nurse isn't able to let you out of your house. She is too large for you to bypass her with your poodle what you're riding. Well, your nurse can speak with words, but she can bark like a poodle.
You can feel cool breezes, and your poodle can smell a stench from a rotting dogsled! She can really smell it, and she can also see lots of spiders inside it.
Your nurse is preventing you from leaving your home because, there's a rogue bulldog who escaped from his owner's home across the street. It's hard to tell what color he is.
You and your poodle are still on this mat, and you are still hanging on to your poodle like a cowboy. Well, your nurse is using her wand to push you back. Well, you haven't ridden your poodle forward yet. You can hear other dogs outside, and you can hear a trolley passing by. This street is being resurfaced for cyclists who rely on this street to go places. There are 2 trolleys passing by. This constant comeback of streetcars has caused the automobile industry to crash like a ship that hit the ground.
You were kind of jolted when this nurse attempts to push you back! Although; most nurses in the real world don't push people back inside their houses.
Your poodle wags her tail, prompting you to ride her forward, or make a turn. However; your poodle is aware of your nurse blocking your way.