You are walking towards a ride-on gray elephant that just played a sound like a real elephant with a voice prompt that encourages you to take an elephant ride. However; this ride costs $1.75 because, $1.00 goes to organizations who are dedicated to save elephants from being poached for ivory. However; this ride can take about 20 minutes like a typical elephant ride. Well, this ride emulates a real elephant. Her trumpet is loud as an elephant, but the volume is easy to adjust. It does have a warp system, but it doesn't enable you to warp.
You hop on a gray elephant. It feels kind of like mounting a real elephant, but these springs are designed to make it resistant to being mounted like a real elephant.
You sit on a gray elephant's back, you scoot forward to align your foot to her ears to issue commands. However; this gray elephant is emulating a true elephant in nature. However; this ride is designed to work like a simulator of some sort, but it only play theme songs!
A green poodle and a yellow terrier are occupied with other riders who wanted to ride these rides. The curtains are closed for them to warp into a game. However; this gray elephant doesn't have an ability to warp, but give you rides around the arcade. Well, looks like you need to ride this gray elephant.