You are now riding your green poodle down the path of this warp center. You take your time as you ride her down the hallway. On your left; there's a gate that is already open, and you are entering a tiled area of this hallway. That indicates you are making progress of enterting this world. You can see a person riding a gray elephant with yellow tusks earlier. Well, this ride is a larger version. However; this ride is going over the bridge via an overpass. You are going through an underpass that is deep enough for you and your poodle to go through.
There's an overpass with glass panels, and you can see a person riding a yellow terrier that is passing by, you can see the light from this overpass. This is key to insure anyone can see as they enter this game. However; this ride is designed to go forward, and there's no going back! However; this underpass already has a gate open, and it has a series of lights that are bright with strategically brightened lights to mitigate blindness, and light pollution. Although; these LED boxes are controlled by a computer that is located someplace in this arcade. Typically, these lights are controlled by a technician who operate these lights in this game.
This underpass has an entrance to a tunnel to enter a world later on. However; your poodle is taking her time, don't rush! Just enjoy a ride, and experience riding on a back of a poodle, it will take some time. just hang on tight to her collar.
You can hear your poodle bark 2 times, indicating you must hang on tight because, she may speed up. Always lean forward to ease the load. Don't worry, she's a friendly poodle because, she was raised without church.
What you are seeing is a person riding a gray elephant to the another section of this arcade, but you are taking a tiled path towards a magic doghouse that contains a magic warp inside. It is a tunnel, but this tunnel is far from you. You can see a person riding a gray wolf, heading towards a portal that leads to a very cold nation where they outlawed use of crude oil, and mandate use of an underground subway. However; this gray wolf is giving this person wolf rides as a way to patrol the Arctic. There are 4 wolf pups following this gray wolf. There's a black pup, a yellow pup, and a white pup! Each pup lines up like a train. However; there's a large black wolf pulling a cart of coins that are being shipped to a bank. However; this wolf is at work.
Right now, you are reaching a tunnel, and there's some light, but the rest of this tunnel is dark, and you must be very careful when navigating in this dark tunnel. Always keep hanging on tight because, she is doing her job. However; most of these other poodles what you see are regular breeds of poodles what we know via the real world. However; a gray elephant is heading towards the another part of this arcade! If you discovered an overpass earlier; this is an official light that is implemented.