

Status: Reset
Trust Level: NOT Available On Demo

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Experience: NOT Available On Demo

Now, your vision has focused, and you can see this porch has been lit by a sun far away, and what you can see are trees that are blocking a view of a sun. Well, this nation is Christian by design, but this nation is controlled by USA. Although; you paid attention to 2 of these dogs and a horse. However; these dogs are too small for you to ride! However; you can walk them. Unfortunately, this horse what you are planning to ride doesn't know you at this time. Well, this horse is connected to a carriage.

You looked across the street, and you can see a large dog, but this dog is also too small for you to ride because, this dog is designed to pull carts containing corpses that are being buried at the graveyard that is designed to be turned into a forest. There is the another dog that is larger, but he is not a poodle, he's just a bland beige bulldog.

You felt miserable because, there is no large poodle to ride, and you don't have any powers to ride a large poodle.

You can see a Rottweiler getting ready to walk with this lady.

You don't want to waste time sitting on a porch. Well, there's something to do in this republic like this.

Exit Porch And Board Carriage
Exit Porch And Walk 2 Dogs