The Declines

The Decline Of Kiddy Rides – What Happened?

Do you remembered riding on these machines since you are a little child? Well, I remembered, and they’re amazing. However; I’ve dreamed of riding a larger version of a kiddy ride,–featuring my character what I’ve created from imagination.
These kiddy rides were a hit for children in the 1990s or earlier. I remembered when I was riding a kiddy ride in an arcade, and they are many rides to choose, and they’re manufactured by companies who build these amazing machines. This industry was my favorite because, these rides are fun, and it’s kind of like going to a fair. Since this unit is portable, you can disassemble it from one location, and rebuild it at a new location. This coin-operated machine enables fairs to make some money, and keep their doors open.

Children are larger than they used to be since years ago

“My child is too large,” you said. And you think this is a problem. If a ride is built too small, it won’t target older children. Typically, kiddy rides must be sized strategically to support a larger child. Since larger rides are stronger, and they last longer… they enable virtually any person to ride it. Most rides have max weight requirements to handle a rider, or I’ll say, “user.”
When these machines gained popularity in the early times of arcades, and amusement parks. That just offset costs of running large rides. They rides start off with bulky workings that can make a character that you ride go up and down, well this is a basic mechanism for these rides, simulating a carousel without twirling. This is common to make an amusing ride during these days. These rides didn’t have built-in sound systems back then,–right before computers were invented.
When these rides first have sound, they only rely on analog media like specific vinyl discs, tapes, ormaybe early digital media. Before they have digital media, they relied on tapes, vinyl discs, and other media-playing mechanisms. Digital media is only available on computer-programmed circuit boards with firmware. It just play sounds, and music, some machines loop only 1 tune or track, other devices transistion to the another track. MP3 recordings has caught up, enable developers to add their own content. This is common for licensed content.
Mechanisms have motors, hydrolics, and other forms. Motors are traditionally used. But they’re other types now these days.
Children begin to grow up, and explore other rides. Many other children during these modern days has bypassed these amazing devices,–causing a decline. These rides has been left to collect dust, and lose interest.
The decline is a result to children growing so big with an alarming rate. Hormones in dairy products is a known cause. Being tall has a disadvantage for these devices. Tall children has no way to ride these rides.
The popularity of these rides are now dropping, but some arcades may own these devices for a long haul to prefer a classic version of an arcade.

Small size infringes upon an ABDL community

The ABDL community may be shocked because, this is a barrier to this rising lifestyle. ABDL communities often ride these devices because, they prefered these devices, or they chose this ride over other types. In my opinion; the ABDL community has the right to sue, and force equality for these rides to target the ABDL community. Common items what people in an ABDL community are:

  • Rocking horses and other rocking animals to ride – these devices are owned by an ABDL community member. ABDL stands for Adult Baby Diaper Lover.
  • Stuffed animals – this is common.

The ABDL member may struggle,–finding a ride to ride in arcades. And that can lead to further decline of these devices in arcades. If no qurter is received, no revenue. If these rides were upgraded to a large size for ABDL members; that can save this industry from going bankrupt, that will also keep arcades open 24/7.
The rise of an ABDL community may reach by 75% in the future. If this happens; developers must enlarge these devices, if not… lawsuits may rise with a wild ride.

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