Current Issues What We Face

The Attack Of The Chinese Pirates Who Pirate Your Games

Unfortunately, Chinese knockoffs are the known issue to our gaming community. Not just these knockoffs hurt the revenue of publishers and companies who produce games for us to play, that can also cause independent game developers to experience theft of intellectual property each day. The CCP often has no regard for our intellectual property. Nintendo, PlayStation, XBOX, and other companies who publish games for us to play often experience illegal sales of knockoff consoles and games. Despite sanctions of China… causing them to be banned from our computer chip industry. China often go around this restriction. Well, we’re NOT saying people in China don’t have any experience of coding their own games from scratch! There are plenty of people who code their own games around the world.

Well, being a game developer is usually my dream what I am trying to reach, but I am still experimenting on making games from scratch with easier ways to make a game from scratch… however; having your IP pirated can be a problem for me, and that can be a major issue for me.

If China is completely removed from our computer chip industry, that will take time for China to build their own computer chip, not take our IP from other chip makers who make these computer chips for us to rely on.

However; on the next few minutes, we’re going to use our imagination and take an open-eye journey inside these places where Chinese pirates manufacture with sweat shop labor, and and these places what you’ve never seen before,–revealing how games what we play make a journey from studio to your console, or computer!

Current Issues What We Face The Real Amusement Center Status The Real Arcade Status

A Merry-Go-Round/Carousel Ride Is NOT Just For Little Children… Adults Can Ride It (without children) Too!

Tired of a ride operator asking if you have kids when trying to ride this merry-go-round-carousel? Most likely a ride operator/administrator is violating your civil rights, and other rights. A merry-go-round (or carousel) can be ridden by adults and choose animals to ride,–all without needing to have children around. There’s is a purpose of having a large merry-go-round over a small merry-go-round, even if you have it designed like a children’s merry-go-round with fun characters to ride can pay for itself overtime when pricing is strategic. Typically, adults pay more for this ride… while children pay less for a ride.

Also, a merry-go-round can only have adult riders when children aren’t relevant. A children’s ride should be a genre of choice for any adult rider of this ride,–as long there’s a larger version with same features, but more features added. For this instance; you are a member of an amusement club that has series of merry-go-rounds with VR capabilities, and an ability to play games without needing to have children with you. It’s okay to run a merry-go-round and have adult riders because, you can make more money, and profits can build up overtime. Although; some carousel rides have genres associated with them like adventure, and fantasy.

Current Issues What We Face

Why There Are No Public Libraries That Are Dedicated To Check Out Games

This is an article what Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony don’t want you to read. Everyday, purchasing new games is one primary source of revenue for many independent game developers, and other game developers rely on. However; if you only sell digital copies on the internet; you only sell a license to access content.

With me who is using a strategic ways to save extra money, and reduce the burden of using debit/credit cards, finding games that are affordable to play can be a challenge for many gamers who don’t want to support monopolies. Well, if you only public games to Nintendo, and you don’t distribute public libraries, this is what happens to the poor community who can’t afford a game to play.

Current Issues What We Face

The Attack Of The Russian Pirates After Sanctions

Many game developers may experience issues when piracy has been legallized in Russia,–after sanctions has struck Russia hard. Well, me as a gamebook developer myself has to be extra careful when I write gamebooks from scratch, or rely on software that enables me to write gamebooks with ease. However; many of these game publishers may experience endless losses, causing them to experience financial difficulties,–just like me who is experiencing this difficulty.

Although; relying on DRM doesn’t just cause issues with some hardware, that also pollutes our environment. DRM costs more!

Current Issues What We Face

Strategic Revival Of Retro Games

So, your company bragged about a new console taking off in the market, and your company renders other consoles obsolete,–causing electronic waste, and more people to buy new tech. However; continuing to sell older consoles, or revive previous versions of these game consoles with native hardware,–or porting to PCs as an alternative option is key to enable your company to reach more platforms. For this instance, your text-adventure games what you developed are mainly designed for either PlayStation… well, I am familiar with this console,–after Nintendo, and Sega.