Current Issues What We Face

The Attack Of The Russian Pirates After Sanctions

Many game developers may experience issues when piracy has been legallized in Russia,–after sanctions has struck Russia hard. Well, me as a gamebook developer myself has to be extra careful when I write gamebooks from scratch, or rely on software that enables me to write gamebooks with ease. However; many of these game publishers may experience endless losses, causing them to experience financial difficulties,–just like me who is experiencing this difficulty.

Although; relying on DRM doesn’t just cause issues with some hardware, that also pollutes our environment. DRM costs more!


[Announcement] The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Arcade Is Undergoing Maintenance As We Continue To Develop Gamebooks & Boycott Russia

Okay, I haven’t posted for a long while because, I have work to do, and I must do other things. However; I am planning on making new gamebooks. However; I must work on my projects what I am currently working with. Well, The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Arcade website itself is getting a slight makeover because, we are trying our best to make it easier for mobile device users to use our website. However; this makeover may take some time, and we will do our best to clean up parts of our website.